• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: NN06
  • hace 9 años

Nesecito un cuento inventado en ingles y español


Respuesta dada por: laprincesaloca

habia una vez  un niño llamado angel que tenia muchos problemas en la escuela y llamaban mucho a su padre para darle las quejas del comportamiento de angel
ellos no sabian del por que del comportamiento de angel estaba pasando por un momento dificil en su familia. su mama estaba en face terminal de cancer y su papa no tenia con que pagar el tratamiento.
mandan a traer a angel a la oficina del director no era para hablar de su compòrtamiento...su madre esta muriendo y lo unico que queria su madre era que angel fuera alguien en la vida y que evitara problemas

dos meses despues angel fue avandonado por su padre quien lo dejo con sus abuelos maternos
el seguia con la misma actitud de siempre
hasta que su abuela le recordo lo que su madre quiso para el
angel con lagrimas en los ojos le prometio a su abuela que cambiaria y seria alguien en la vida por ella y por su difunta madre
There was once a boy named angel who had many problems in school and called his father a lot to give him complaints about the behavior of angel They did not know why Angel's behavior was going through a difficult time in her family. His mom was in the terminal face of cancer and his dad had no way to pay for the treatment. Send to bring angel to the office of the director was not to talk about his composition ... his mother is dying and the only thing his mother wanted was that angel be someone in life and avoid problems Two months later angel was deserted by his father who left him with his maternal grandparents He followed with the same attitude as always Until his grandmother reminds him of what his mother wanted for him Angel with tears in her eyes promised her grandmother that she would change and would be someone in life for her and her deceased mother


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