• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: pochiitaduartee
  • hace 2 años

past simple of be: was/ were
Complete with was/ were or wasn't/ weren't to make true sentences./ Completa con was
I were or wasn't/ weren't para hacer oraciones verdaderas. Si es necesario, investiga.
1 Mother Teresa _____born in India.
2 Kurt Vonnegut_______
an English writer.
3 Tchaikovsky_______
the composer of Swan Lake.
4 The Vikings_______
from Germany
5 Gustave Eiffel______
a famous French engineer.
6 Roald Dahl________
a famous British musician.
7 The Beatles________
from Liverpool.
in the Hunger Games
8 Jennifer Lawrence_______
9 Socrates and Plato______
Greek artists.
10 Pablo Picasso_______
past simple: regular verbs
Complete the conversations in the past tense. Use the verbs in
brackets. /Completa las oraciones con la forma correcta
del pasado simple de los verbos que están entre
Annie 'Did you study French at university? (study)
Beth No, 12. French;1Italian. I in Rome for six months in my
third year. (not study, study, live)
Annie Where you in Rome? (live)
Beth Near the Forum. I a house with some Italian students.
(rent) Annie' you in Italian all the time? (talk)
Beth Not always, because they to practise their English.
But Ito cook great pasta! (want, learn)
Alan tº you Brazil? (like)
(not travel)
Alan 's you in hotels? (stay)
Ben No, we with Brazilian friends. (stay)
3 Dave "you the match? Arsenal and Real Madrid? (watch) Carl
No, I 18
Dave Why not?
Carl "late last night. 1 2 until 7,00. (work, not finish) Dave But the
match ? at 7.45. (start)
Car Yeah, but my train. Ihome until 9.30. (miss, not
Dave What a pity! It was a great game.​


Respuesta dada por: alexandra077


noce ingles lo sientos


lo siento mucho muchoooooooooooooolll

lo siento mucho mucho lo siento

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