• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: marianojuaquinrojasa
  • hace 3 años

me ayudan con esto de ingles del verb to be por favor les doy 10 puntos :D gracias :D


marianojuaquinrojasa: ayúdenme por favor mi mano me duele de tanto escribir esto ;c


Respuesta dada por: vanesoriano008


I am

You are

We are

They are

He is

She is

It is

Espero y te sirva uwu

marianojuaquinrojasa: gracias :D
Respuesta dada por: mermeladaDeMani


La verdad no entendí la primera imagen así que responderé la segunda js

1. Cindy IS My Best friend

Peter and Kate ARE classmates

Johnny IS My brother

You ARE a good student

They ARE in the classroom

It IS an Apple

Felicia and i ARE sisters

I AM her teacher

it IS a book bag

You ARE a doctor


a. i am not a teacher

b. She is My mother

c. The boys are playful

d. the girl is in the room

e. we are not at home

f. my dad is smart

g. My mother is a housewife

h. she is not my sister

i. The teacher is angry

j. the dog is in the kennel


Espero haberte ayudado y realmente lamento no poder responder todo <3

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