• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: lulu8175
  • hace 4 años

Have got
Write what these people have or haven 't got.
Use short forms where possible
1_selena: a sister a brother
2_martín and sophie: bikes skateboards
3_peter: two dogs and a cat
4_ dan: a computer a mobile phone. Me ayudan porfavooor ​


Respuesta dada por: lotochic


1. Selena's got a sister and a brother.

2. Martin and Sophie have got bikes and skateboards.

3. Peter's got two dogs and a cat.

4. Dan's got a computer and a mobile phone.

Las que tienen el 's significan "has got". Te lo he abreviado así porque tu ejercicio pide usar las short forms cuando sea posible.

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