• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: thaliaulco07
  • hace 4 años

Circle the correct form between past simple, present pertect, relative clauses with where. Look at the example:
Has/Have your ever heard/hear about Bonnie and Clyde? They became/become some of the most famous criminals of the XX century.
The documents of their case have be/have been saved on the FBI's
web page. They was/were accused of robbery, murder, punishment.
They dead/died in the car, when/where they tried/Arying to escape.​


Respuesta dada por: DASV2006


Have your ever heard about Bonnie and Clyde? They became some of the most famous criminals of the XX century.

The documents of their case have been saved on the FBI's

web page. They were accused of robbery, murder, punishment.

They died in the car, where they tried to escape.


Borré las opciones incorrectas, es decir, ya está resuelto.

Respuesta dada por: filtrada


Have, Heard, Became, Have been, Were, Died, Where, Tried.


Espero te sirva (también me mandaron esa tarea)

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