• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Neneloco32
  • hace 6 años

10 ejemplos utilizando los pronombres personales (oraciones declarativas)


Respuesta dada por: F4CUROMERO


1- We are travelling to Brazil.

2- He is cooking some rice.

3- She will go to a show tomorrow.

4- It is not complicated to do

5- We will sing tomorrow

6- They are working very hard.

7- I am very thirsty.

8- You are very kind

9- They are very talented

10- You are writing very well


F4CUROMERO: Espero que te sirva
F4CUROMERO: Mucha suerta y que te vaya bien
Neneloco32: Te amoooo broo
Neneloco32: Me salvaste la vida
F4CUROMERO: Jajsjasj
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