• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: merlinw3
  • hace 10 años

10 oraciones con el verbo like en afirmativo, negativo,interrogativo


Respuesta dada por: iris25
i am like.afimativa
No has like. negativa
I am like?. interrogativa

merlinw3: hola me podes mandar un mensaje porfa
iris25: por aqui?
iris25: o por donde?
merlinw3: siii
iris25: ya te lo envio por aqui
iris25: que quueres que te diga ho te res ponda
merlinw3: ok esta bn lo recibo
Respuesta dada por: davilesz1319816
I like to watch How i met your mother on my free time. He likes to wear an old jacket She likes to go out with her friends They like to do their homework on Sunday's night My mom like to cook the dinner to my friends My boyfriend/girlfriend likes to go to the cinema every Friday with me. My friend likes to watch sport shows on the tv He likes to read sport magazine with a cold beer. She likes to partying every weekend My teacher likes to give us a lot of homework every weekend
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