• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: syca150
  • hace 6 años

Complete the sentence with the correct tense in future: will or be + going to

I can’t do my homework tonight I_____________ watch movie.

What are you going to give you sister for her birthday? I think I ________ buy her a necklace.

So, you’re going to live in Australia! What _____________ do when you get here?

I guess she __________ be 25 next month.

A: Are you going to with us? B: I’m not sure: Maybe I _____________ stay at work late.

In 2020 people ______ buy more hybrid cars.

I think my mother _____________ like this CD.

We ________ fly to Canada in June.


Respuesta dada por: ichimontoya22


I can’t do my homework tonight I will watch movie.

What are you going to give you sister for her birthday? I think I will buy her a necklace.

So, you’re going to live in Australia! What are you going to do when you get here?

I guess she will be 25 next month.

A: Are you going to with us? B: I’m not sure: Maybe I will stay at work late.

In 2020 people will buy more hybrid cars.

I think my mother will like this CD.

We will fly to Canada in June.

- dame coronita porfa :D

pascuyrodrihades: yo te daría coronita si pudiera
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