3 Have the directors finished their meeting?
4 Have you done the homework?
5 Have you booked my ticket to New York?
6 Has the technician repaired the photocopier?
7 Has the bank lent us some money?
8 Has my wife telephoned this morning?.
9 Have you made my coffee?
10 Have we received any faxes?
11 Have you answered the emails?
12 Has the reporter arrived to interview me?
13 Has the chauffeaur cleaned my car ?
El presente perfecto (present perfect tense) forma preguntas escribiendo have o has antes del sujeto, solo se escribe el signo de interrogación de cierre. Ejemplos con verbos regulares: Have you worked for your uncle? (¿Has trabajado para tu tío?) Has she finished her homework? (¿Ella ha terminado su tarea?)
I have
You have
He has
She has
It has
You have
We have
They have