• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: luciapasdiaz
  • hace 7 años

hola , me pueden ayudar? , pueden decirme cual es tu rutina diaria en ingles , tiene q tener entre 70-80 palabras
muchas gracias


Respuesta dada por: JuliVentu


My daily routine is: I get up in the morning, at 8:30 am, then at 8:40 am breakfast, usually what I eat for breakfast is toast and orange juice. Then I go to classes from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 pm. When I get home at that time I have a snack that is almost always a sandwich. and then I take a nap. when I wake up from that nap I eat and go back to sleep at 9:00 pm


Anónimo: Hello
Respuesta dada por: Anónimo

My routine is very simple.  Every day I get up, have breakfast and start doing homework.  From 9 a.m. to 1 a.m.  Then I eat, and I go out for a walk.  When I return home I help prepare dinner, have dinner and watch the television for a bit.  At 22:00 I go to sleep.

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