I am going to eat a apple tomorrow
You are going to wash your hands in the afternoon
He is going to write in the class next monday
She is going to play the guitar this sunday
They are going to watch TV next weekend
We are going to go to the cinema next month
My dad is going to work tomorrow
My brother is going to go to the school next moth
I am going to buy a new car next year
You are going to swim in the pool next summer
Cuando vayas a escribir en futuro primero poner el sujeto (I, you, he, she, they, we), luego de esto colocas el verbo to be que corresponde a cada sujeto (am, are, is), colocas el auxiliar ( going to), posterior a esto colocas el verbo con su respectivo complemento, y por ultimo colocas un adjetivo de tiempo (next monday, this week, next year, etc)