• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: focefinagavidia
  • hace 7 años

Fill in the missing SUPERLATIVE form of the adjectives in brackets:
1- The moon is the
planet to earth (close).
2- Jupiter is the
planet in our solar system.(large)
3- Betty is the
girl in my class. (smart)
4-I'm the
player in my football team.(short)
5- My granny is the
cook in the world. (good)
6-January is the
month of the year in my country.(cold)
7 - Jim is the
boy that I know.(happy)
8- Who is the
person in your family? (tall)
9- Where are the
beaches in your region? (nice)
10-Who is the
singer in your country? (famous).​


Respuesta dada por: primrose13


  1. Closest
  2. Largest
  3. Smartest
  4. Shortest
  5. Best
  6. Coldest
  7. Happiest
  8. Tallest
  9. Nicest
  10. Most famous

- I hope I was helpful :)

Respuesta dada por: plunav


El superlativo indica el grado máximo de una característica de un elemento con respecto a otros de su misma clase.

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