• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: beleschuler534
  • hace 10 años

5 oraciones con can en positivo negativo pregunta y respuesta.,

zmj: 5 de cada uno??


Respuesta dada por: zmj
I can make some exercise
you can have a baby later
she can run fast
he can cook
I can teach you some german

I can´t climb trees
I can´t fly
you can´t do that
she can´t listen to the teacher
he can´t work today

can you bring him back?
can you give me my notebook?
can you teach me some english?
can we work today?
can I go to the party?

yes, I can
no, I can´t because I lost it
yes, I can.
no, we can´t its too late
no, you can´t, im sorry.
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