• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Mcchiva
  • hace 10 años

Necesito una descripción de un perro en inglés de 120 palabras.


Respuesta dada por: profesor100

My dog is called Diamonds. It is a small dog, friendly, playful and cheerful dog but, sometimes, she could be very, very sleepy.

Her hair is long and brown in her face and her legs and the back is dark black. Yes, she has two different colors and I love it. Her eyes are like two small black buttons
and when you see her in the eyes, she is very attentive.

She loves to eat that little meat sticks with toast in the morning, always with me, of course. She also likes to throw her elephant toy, then, she brings it back to me
and waits for me to thrown it again.

For me it is the best dog in the whole world.

Respuesta dada por: francodf13


Descripción de un perro, en ingles: My pet is a little poodle dog named Sabrina. She has white curly hair, her ears are long and full of fluffy hair, she has also a long snout, and pretty brown eyes. Her body is tiny, with short legs and small paws, and her hair is not very long.

Explicación: espero te ayude

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