Study each of the passages and choose the best answers to the questions that follow.The life span of an elephant that dies from natural causes is about sixty-five years. Of course, anelephant can perish from a number of "unnatural causes"; e.g., it can be killed by hunters, most probablyfor the valuable ivory in its tusks; it can die from diseases that spread throughout an elephant herd; or itcan die from drought or from the lack of food that almost certainly accompanies the inadequate supplyof water.If, however, an elephant survives these disasters, it fans prey to old age in its mid-sixties. Aroundthis age, the cause of death is attributed to the loss of the final set of molars. When this last set of teeth isgone, the elephant die s from malnutrition because it is unable to obtain adequate nourishment. In oldage, elephants tend to search out a final home where there is shade for comfort from the sun and softvegetation for cushioning; the bones of many old elephants have been found in such places.1. Which of the following could be used to replace the word "survives" in line 6?(A) Rises to(B) Succumbs to(C) Denies(D) Lives through2. "Molars" in line 7 are(A) germs(B) old-age characteristics(C) types of food(D) teeth3. In line 8, "malnutrition" is used to describe someone who(A) is in good health(B) has an illness(C) suffers from poor eating(D) experiences dental problems4.The expression "a final halle" in line 9 is closest in meaning to(A) a place to die(B) a comfortable house(C) a place for sale(D) the only remaining place to live

#Exani II


Respuesta dada por: mary24457181ozqyux

Respuesta a las preguntas del Life Span of an Elephant.

  1. The word "Survive" could be replace: (Opción D) Lives through.
  2. The word "Molars" could be replace: (Opción D) Teeth.
  3. The word "Malnutrition" is used to describe: (Opción C) Suffers from poor eating.
  4. Closest in meaning to the expression "A final halle": (Opción B) A comfortable house.

Presente continuo.

Es un tiempo verbal en que se comunica la acción qué está haciendo el sujeto en el momento; este tiempo verbal responde a la pregunta: ¿qué estás haciendo? Las oraciones en presente continuo se construyen con la siguiente fórmula.

  • Fórmula: Pronombre personal + verbo to be + verbo con -ing + complemento.
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