It is still Peru with its virtue
The largest country in the South
For its independence and its festivals
For its armed force and its deed.
Free Peru from the coasts to the mountains
So thanksgiving is celebrated
As a manifesto of the full struggle
All battles in union breaking the chains.
Our national holidays are,
Independence in the heart
Armed forces an honor
And thanksgiving for our republic in formation.
Elaboramos una poesía en inglés para fiestas patrias.
Happy birthday, dear nation!
We rejoice and celebrate
On this day, your birth
With parades and parties
And all things red, white, and blue
We honor you, America
And all you've done for us
We pledge our allegiance
And our love
To you, our homeland
On this, your special day
El poema
Es una forma de arte en la que las palabras son utilizadas de forma especializada para producir belleza, emoción o significado. A menudo se considera que la poesía tiene una rima y una métrica, y que es estrictamente estructurada. Sin embargo, hay muchos tipos de poesía que no siguen estas reglas.
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