• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Anónimo
  • hace 8 años

1. 20 rutinas diarias en ingles y español en primera persona.
2. Con la lista formar un texto.


Respuesta dada por: Jazmin0814

Wake up: despertarse

I wake at 7:30 / Me despierto a las 7:30

Get up: levantarse (de una cama)

She gets at at 8:00 / Ella se despierta a las 8:00

Take a shower: tomar una ducha, ducharse, bañarse

I take a shower at 8:15 / Yo tomo una ducha a las 8:15

Cook breakfast: cocinar o hacer el desayuno

I cook breakfast at 8:20 / Hago el desayuno a las 8:20

Have breakfast: desayunar

He has breakfast at 8:30 / Él desayuna a las 8:30

Make up: maquillarse

Laura makes up fast / Laura se maquila rápido

Get dressed: vestirse

I get dressed at 8:45 / Me visto a las 8:45

Brush my teeth: lavarse o cepillarse los dientes

I brush my teeth at 9:00 / Me cepillo los dientes a las 9:00

Comb: peinarse o peinar

She combs her hair at 9:15 / Ella peina su cabello a las 9:15

Leave home: salir de casa o también marcharse de la casa

We leave home at 9:30 / Salimos de la casa a las 9:30

Go to work: ir al trabajo

She goes to work by car / Ella va al trabajo en auto

Go to school: ir a la escuela

My son goes to school on by bicycle / Mi hijo va a la escuela en bicicleta

Take the bus: tomar el bus o autobús (camión)

I take the bus to work / Tomo el autobús al trabajo

Get to work: llegar al trabajo

She gets to work at 9:45 / Ella llega al trabajo a las 9:45

Have lunch: almorzar

We have lunch at noon / Almorzamos al mediodía

Have coffee: tomar, beber café

He has coffee with his friends / Él toma un café con sus amigos

Take a break: tomar un descanso

They take a break before lunch / Ellas toman un descanso antes del almuerzo

Finish work: terminar de trabajar

I finish work at 5:30 / Yo termino de trabajar a las 5:30

Go home: ir a casa

She goes home at 5:30 / Ella va a casa a las 5:30

Get home: llegar a casa

She gets home at 6:00 / Ella llega a casa a las 6:00

Have dinner: cenar

We have dinner at 7:00 / Nosotros cenamos a las 7:00

I usually wake up at 7 or 8 in the morning.

I don’t have an alarm, because I make my own schedule. A lot of days, I just wake up when the sun rises.

I get up, drink a glass of water, and put some coffee on the stove.

While I have my coffee, I do some reading. I read the news online, or I read a book. Sometimes I listen to a podcast instead of reading. I love Tim Ferriss‘ podcast, and also Jocko Podcast.

I don’t usually have breakfast. I prefer to eat later in the day.

When I finish my coffee, I walk down to my office. I work in a coworking space near Torre Picasso, in Madrid.

I spend the mornings writing new articles, working on books, and answering emails. At the end of the month, I do accounting. Accounting takes a lot of time.

At around 2 o’clock I leave the office and go home for lunch. I usually cook something easy and high in protein.

After lunch, I read or I have a nap. I usually take a walk around the neighborhood in the afternoon. I sometimes write fun articles for my personal blog before dinner.  

At night, I go out for dinner or stay in and relax. I usually try to get to bed early – there’s always more to do tomorrow!

I work out two or three times a week, and on Saturdays I do boxing with some friends in Retiro park.  

On weekends, I hang out with my friends  

I travel around Spain or Europe when I can. My last trip was to Tenerife, in the Canary Islands.

Respuesta dada por: marelena1234


1- She is leaving at 10 o’clock. (Ella se va a las 10 )

2- She is leaving for mexico in the morning. (Ella se marcha a Mexico en la mañana)

3We are playing on sunday (nosotros jugaremos el domingo)

4- They are flying to New York on Friday. (Ellos volarán a Nueva York el viernes)

5 I am returning to my country when the semester ends. (Yo regresaré a mi país cuando el semestre termine)

6 You are leaving for Rome next week. (Tú partes a Roma la siguiente semana)

I am going to visit my brother next week. (Yo voy a visitar a mi hermano la siguiente semana)

7 My mother is leaving for France next month. (Mi madre parte a Francia el siguiente mes)

My husband is coming in a bus which arrives at six o’clock. (Mi esposo llegará en un autobús a las seis en punto)

We are going to California next weekend. (Nosotros vamos a California el siguiente fin de semana)

My friends are coming tonight. (Mis amigos vendrán esta noche)

They are sailing for Miami next week. (Ellos navegarán a Miami la siguiente semana)

My lawyer is arriving on American Airlines Flight 301 tomorrow. (Mi abogado llegará mañana en el vuelo 301 de American Airlines)

He is coming only to talk with you. (Él viene solo para hablar contigo)

We are flying to visit my parents next Thanksgiving Day. (Nosotros volaremos para visitar a mis padres el próximo Dia de Acción de Gracias)


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