• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: gta15
  • hace 9 años

tengo que realizar una descripción de actividades diarias de una persona(en tercera persona del singular)empleando el presente simple


Respuesta dada por: flordeceibo
My friend Luisa gets up at 7. Then she has a shower. After that she has breakfast. She goes to school. Lessons start at 8.30. She likes History and English. She comes back home. She has lunch at 1 pm. Then she does the dishes and helps her mum. She does her homework and later she watches TV. At 6 she has piano lessons. After that she goes out with friends. She returns to her house. She has dinner and finally at 10 she goes to bed.
Respuesta dada por: miayalmaythiago


fua re vieja la pregunta JAJAJJA


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