Buenos días, me harían el favor de escribir 20 oraciones con la palabra Should pero que tenga que ver con la Salud.
1-i SHOULD eat vegetables
2-i SHOULD have a bath
3-i SHOULD do excercise
4-i SHOULD sleep more than 8 hours
5-i SHOULD clean my body
6-i SHOULD clean my teeth everyday
7-i SHOULD eat fruits
8-my brother SHOULD use less the computer
9-my mom SHOULD be fit
10-my dad SHOULD go to the doctor
11-i SHOULD use a jacket in winter
12-i SHOULD take tablets if i am ill
13- i SHOULD go to the doctor for a control
14- i SHOULD have a variety diet
15- i SHOULD use solar protect in summer
16-i SHOULD go to bed early
17- i SHOULD eat less sweets
18-i SHOULD see less tv
19- i SHOULD wear shoes outside
20-i SHOULD eat fish once a week
1.- You should eat more vegetables.
2.- They should take their children to the doctor.
3.- You should prevent cavities.
4.- My dad shouldn't eat junk food.
5.- She should protect her skin.
6.- My uncle should reduce stress.
7.- You should get your vitamins and minerals.
8.- You shouldn't skip breakfast.
9.- He should challenge his brain.
10.- They should eat lunch for their health.
11.- My grandmother should protect her teeth.
13.- You should brush your teeth.
14.- You should take Martial arts.
15.- You shouldn't sit around and watch TV all day.
16.- You shouldn't satay up late !, it will be dangerous for your health.
17.- We should read daily to keep our brain active.
18.- Clara should eat fruits everyday.
19.- David should exercises three or more times a week.
20.- They should get eight ours to everyday.