• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: andreinalr10
  • hace 8 años

Complete with the presente simple or present continuos
1. We always visit ( visit ) our grandparents on Sundays
2. George is in his room. He ------ (study) for his History test all day
3. I ------- (not talk) to you i’m talking to Anne
4. -------- (you / ever / taste ) Mexican food?
5. Please be quiet! You -------- (always / complain) about something.
6. I'm tired, I ------- (not sleep) enough lately.
7. How often ------ you / have) English lessons?
8. we can't buy the tickets. We ------ (already / spend) all our mone.
9. I ------- not watch) that fim. You can switch the television off.
10. You're very quiet what ------ (you / think) about?
11. I -------- (think) Paul is a derful person.
12. I ------ (never / be) to Sootland
13. the cake ------- (taste) great. Can I have another piece?
14. Tina ----- (just / come) back from work.
15. We ------ (wait) here for half an hour and he hasn't come yet.


Respuesta dada por: melytomlinsonox9ibw
¹ visiting, 2 studying, 3 I will not talk to you, 4 you have not even tasted, 5 you're always complaining, 6 I could not sleep

perdón te ayudaría más pero tengo clases
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