• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: brianfeli5322
  • hace 9 años

necesito un dialogo de 3 personas en presente continuo ni tan largo ni tan corto POR FAVOR AYUDENME NO LO COPIEN SOLO AYUDENMEPOR FAVOR DOY PUNTOSSS


Respuesta dada por: raindontcome
Alex: Hello! What are you doing?
Brian: I'm waiting for a friend. She's coming
Lynn: Hey! I had a lot of problems to come and I still have to search a shop to buy a present. I think that i'm going to buy some flowers. 
Brian: I'm searching for a present too. I will go with you. 
Alex: My mum needs help, sorry guys I have to go. She's waiting me in the shopping centre. 
(espero que lo haya escrito todo bien) 
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