• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Jordancalficura
  • hace 9 años

Hola nesecito ayuda para crear un parrafo utilizando would like to

Celiuski02: dime sobre qué te gustaría que hablara
Jordancalficura: Mm cualquier cosa sirve nada en específico


Respuesta dada por: Celiuski02
When I grow up, I would like to be rich, it would be great. But I know it is difficult, so maybe I would like to be astronaut, scientist or teacher (si lo prefieres, puedes cambiar las profesiones). I know that if I study and work hard I can be anything I can. I also would like to have as many friends as I can. I would like to have a Youtube channel or maybe even a house in Los Ángeles. There are so many things I would like to!

Celiuski02: espero que te sirva de ayouda
Celiuski02: ayuda
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