Necesito 1 historia cualquiera e inventada en Inglés!!! Porfavor, debe ser larga y de cualquier cosa para el sabado que voy a clases!!!!
Miel, el gato rockeroCada noche, Miel el gato rockero, llamado asi por su color pardo, practicaba cantos de rock, desde chiquito quizo ser rockero, y eso que desde chiquito tuvo voz de silbato.Planeaba robarle a el perro de la vecina, por la noche, sus confites.Lo logro hacer una noche, y se llevo entero su platito de confites en silencio para que no se dara cuenta.Comio unos confitecitos y le dolia mucho la garganta, porque tenian mucho sabor a una planta carnivora, y le iva viniendo a poquito voz de rockero.Cada noche, iva a la casa de la vecina, y su perro siempre ladraba pidiendo un rescate, porque siempre su comida desaparecia.Era el septimo día, y no le vino la voz.Iva a hacer lo posible: Como la vecina le puzo demasiados confites porque siempre desaparecian, y el perro le explicaba con varios GUAU, no se entendia obviamente, pero ese día a la noche, paso lo que paso.Trato de subirse a las paredes, buscar olfateando su comida y la encontro, rapidamente y silenciosamente se la llevo y logro comerla toda, luego de eso llevo el plato vacio a la casa de la vecina.Le vino una voz muy fuerte, ya que tenian sabor a muchas plantas carnivoras, y ahi es cuando empezo a cantar rockeando como queria.Todas las noches de luna, en un techo de chapa de su casa, es donde cantaba, con la luna llena y las estrellas brillantisimas.Habia un cartel amarillo que hacia luces como las guirnarlas navideñas, que decia: "Miel, la nueva cara del rock".Pudo rockear como deseaba de chiquito y sin voz de silbato, y toda noche de luna llena, hacia lo mismo que siempre hacia todas las noches en el techo de chapa de la casa, y no necesariamente comia muchos confites, si no que se agarraba uno y los masticaba, y solamente 1 por noche. Fin
Let's write a long fantastic story
The Fairy of the Lake and the Crystal Stone
Long ago, before men and their cities filled the earth, even before many things had a name, there was a mysterious place guarded by the fairy of the lake. Fair, generous and beautiful, all her vassals were always willing to serve her with pleasure. And when evil beings threatened the lake, the forest and its surroundings, many joined the fairy when she asked them to accompany her on a long and dangerous journey through rivers, lagoons, swamps and deserts in search of the Crystal Stone, the only possible salvation for everyone in his kingdom.
The fairy warned of the dangers and difficulties, of how difficult it would be to endure this long and uneven journey, but no one was scared. They all promised to accompany her as far as she needed to go, and that same day, the fairy and her 50 most loyal vassals began the unexpected journey. The path was even more terrible and hard than the fairy had announced. They faced huge terrible beasts, walked day and night and wandered lost in the desert suffering from hunger and thirst. Faced with so many adversities, many became discouraged and ended up abandoning the trip halfway, until only one remained, called Sombra. He wasn't the bravest, he wasn't the best fighter, he wasn't even the smartest or the funniest, but he stuck with the fairy to the end. When she asked him why he didn't abandon the trip like the others, Sombra always answered the same, "I told you that I would accompany you despite the difficulties, and that's what I do, and I'm going to do. I'm not going to turn around just because It was true that it was going to be hard".
Thanks to her loyal Shadow, the fairy was finally able to find the Crystal Stone, but the horrible monstrous Guardian of the stone was not willing to give it to her. So Sombra, in a last gesture of loyalty, offered himself in exchange for the stone, remaining in the service of the Guardian for the rest of his long days...
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