• Asignatura: Castellano
  • Autor: mercedestorrez3752
  • hace 8 años

50 oraciones en presente con los verbos regulares !


Respuesta dada por: hol30
1)(we have lived in this house for over twenty teaes (hemos vivido en esta casa por mas de 20años ) 2)( she has never been to florido (nunca ha estado en Florida) 3)(l'm bored ;l have serm this film a thausand times (me aburro;he visto esta película mil veces (4)(you have giver up hape (has perdido las fe )5(l've last my keys (he perdido mis llaves)6(we have spaken about this issue in numerous occasion (Hemos hablado de este tema en numerosas oportunidades )7(the Project has cost them oven five thasusand dollar (el proyecto le has acostado más de un mil dólares( 8(have you ever been to paland (alguna vez has estado en polonia( 9()(we've become friends over the year (nos hemos hechos amigos con los año( 10)(l've learned this recipe by heart(he aprendido esta receta de memoria( 11(we have been here before (hemo estado aquí antes(12(l haven 't learned a single thing in this class(no he aprendido ni una sola cosa en esta clase. (13(he has developed a fine taste in wine (ha desarrollado un delicioso gusto para el vino(.14(the boss has already been informed (el jefe ya ha sido informado.( 15( l have worked for the company before(he trabajado antes para la empresa( 16(hung up' you've been o the phone for two hours (corto el teléfono ,has estada hablando por dos horas (17(he has nelped you before (el te ha ayudado antes)18)(you still haven 't seen the worst part (aún no he visto la peor parte)(19)(have you seen my dog(has visto mi perro)(20)(scientist have discorvered a new cure for the diseasella científico ha encontrado una nueva cura para la enfermedad( 21(l've played that game before ,ldon't like it (he jugado a ese juego ante, no me gusta)(22(lhaven 't found the time to do it yet (no he encontrado el tiempo para hacerlo aún(23(what have you done (que has hechos(24(we can get in their systen, john has brokern the code (podemos entrar en su sistema john ha descifrado el código (25(he has become a very sucessful dactor (el se ha convertido en un médico exitoso (26(she has been cooking all morning (ha estado cocinando todu la mañana(27(have you checked this dato before printing (ha confirmado estos datos antes de imprimirlo (28(they have been off and on the relatio ship for month(has estado y saliendo de la relación durante meses (29(l have seed what he can do (he visto li que puede hacer )(30(we have already done those exercises(ya hemos hechos esos ejercicios
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