• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ludalvez4726
  • hace 9 años

Parafraseo de todos los capitulos del libro el mago de oz en ingles !


Respuesta dada por: bfgl2004

Chapter No. I Dorothy, a small orphan, went to live on a farm with her uncles in a plain, she was the one who filled with joy that home where there was only bitterness, always in the company of a small dog named Toto who was always at her side playing and they laughed One day a tornado came to his home that took the house for miles, the girl and the dog went inside, the others hid themselves; When the girl went inside the house that was on the crest of the whirlpool she was very afraid but ended up overcoming it and falling asleep from waiting so long that the house fell and fell apart.
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