• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Rebonnie1380
  • hace 8 años

Resumen de la historia de caperucita roja en ingles .


Respuesta dada por: judith0102

"Little Red Riding Hood"

She's a girl who loves her grandma and one day her mother tells her to take a basket with the snack to Grandma's house because Granny was sick. The girl was happy to help her mother and went to the forest to give the snack to her Grandma, but along the way there's a wolf who takes information and tricks the girl to get to her Grandma's house first and he did it faking the voice of Little Red Riding Hood. When Grandma let him in, the wolf devoured her in a single bite. Then he went to bed putting on the old woman's hat and glasses.

When Little Red Riding Hood came home, she approached the bed believing that her grandmother was there, but when she noticed it changed she said "Granny, what big eyes you have" and the wolf replied "they're to see you better". Then Little Red Riding Hood said "what big hears you have!" and the animal replied "they're to hear you better", finally, the girl asked "what big teeth you have!" and the wolf said "they're to eat you better!".

In that moment the wolf tried to catch the girl but she sent a scream that reached the ears of a woodcutter who passed by. The woodcutter gave the wolf a shovel and opened his belly with an ax. Grandma miraculously came out alive and hugged her granddaughter.

Para ver más visita este enlace: https://brainly.lat/tarea/3092079

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