• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: quieroaprender54
  • hace 8 años

necesito resolver esto urgente, solo es llenar los espacios en blanco

son 45 puntazos :v

I. Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I.
1. If Caroline and Sue ______________ the salad, Phil ______________ the house.
2. If Sue __________ the onions for the salad, Caroline __________the mushrooms. (cut, peel)
3. Jane ________________the sitting room if Aaron and Tim __________the furniture.
4. If Bob __________ up the kitchen, Anita _____________the toilet. (tidy, clean)
5. Elaine _____________the drinks if somebody __________her carry the bottles. (buy, help)
6. If Alan and Rebecca ___________ the food, Mary and Conor ____________the sandwiches.
(organise, make)
7. If Bob __________ after the barbecue, Sue ____________the guests in. (look, let)
8. Frank __________the DJ if the others ____________ along their CDs. (play, bring)
9. Alan _____________the drinks if Jane ___________him some of her cocktail recipes. (mix, give)
10. If they all _______ their best, the party _____________ great. (do, be)
II. Put the verbs into the correct form (future I simple). Use will.
Jim asked a fortune teller about his future. Here is what she told him:
1. You _______________ a lot of money. (earn)
2. You ______________ around the world. (travel)
3. You ______________ lots of interesting people. (meet)
4. Everybody _______________ you. (adore)
5. You _________________any problems. (not / have)
III. Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive.
1. Look! They _____________ (leave) the house.
2. You _______________ (not see) her every day
3. Brian ___________ (cycle) 30 km every day.
4. The baby __________________ (not sleep) at the moment.
5. I __________________ (not read) a book now.
6. Samantha __________ (do) her homework at the moment.
7. We_______________ (not go) to school on Sundays.
8. My parents _____________ (shop) right now.
9. He usually ____________ (get up) early in the morning.
10. He ________________ (not watch) the news every day.
IV. Complete the questions. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive.
1. _______ you _______ (go) on holiday by plane sometimes?
2. _______ they__________ (play) computer games every day?
3. ______ she ________ (eat) dinner at the moment?
4. What ________ they _________ (do) right now?
5. _______ she __________ (visit) her grandma very often?
V. Read the following text, then choose the correct form for each sentence. Put a tick.
Dave is 18 and lives in Bath, England. He has decided to go to Moscow for a week. This will his
first time abroad. He has also decided to travel alone. This is the conversation he has with his
friend Pete.
Pete – How will you communicate with the Russians when you don’t even speak the language?
Dave – I’ve been practising and I’m taking this phrase book with me. If I can’t remember a word,
I’ll look it up.
Pete – But you can’t read Russian. How will you know how to get around? If you see a sign, you
won’t be able to read it.
Dave – Like I said, I’ve been practising. Besides, I can always show someone in the street where I
want to go.
Pete – But you won’t be able to understand them. You can’t speak Russian.
Dave – I’m not worried. I’ll be OK.
Pete – I admire your optimism.
Dave – Don’t worry about me. Do you want anything from Moscow?
Pete – Yes, a furry Russian hat.
Dave – No problem. If I find one, I’ll buy it for you.
Pete – Great and when you come back, you’ll tell me all about it.
 1 - Which is correct:
____ If I will find a cheap flight, I will go to Madrid.
____ If I find a cheap flight, I will go to Madrid.
2 - Which is correct:
____ I come to the musical if I can find a ticket.
____ I’ll come to the musical if I can find a ticket.
3 - Which is correct:
____ If I will pass the exam, I’ll go on holiday to New York to celebrate.
____ If I pass the exam, I’ll go on holiday to New York to celebrate.
4 - Which is correct:
____ When the rain will stop, we will go out.
____ When the rain stops, we'll go out.
5 - Which is correct:
____ I won't come out unless you will invite Sarah.
____ I won't come out unless you invite Sarah.


Respuesta dada por: CbA24
I. Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I.
1. If Caroline and Sue prepare the salad, Phil will decorate the  the house.
2. If Sue cut the onions for the salad, Caroline will peel the mushrooms. (cut, peel)
3. Jane will hoover the sitting room if Aaron and Tim move the furniture.
4. If Bob tidy up the kitchen, Anita will clean the toilet. (tidy, clean)
5. Elaine will buy the drinks if somebody help her carry the bottles. (buy, help)
6. If Alan and Rebecca organize the food, Mary and Conor will make the sandwiches.
(organise, make)
7. If Bob _look_ after the barbecue, Sue _will let_the guests in. (look, let)
8. Frank _will bring_the DJ if the others _play_ along their CDs. (play, bring)
9. Alan _will mix_the drinks if Jane _give_him some of her cocktail recipes. (mix, give)
10. If they all _do_ their best, the party _be_ great. (do, be)

En el segundo ejercicio pon a todos will y el verbo tal cual... y si el verbo trae  "not" le pones "will not+verbo (igual)"

CbA24: ya no tenia mas tiempo :u
quieroaprender54: Era con condicional tipo 1
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