• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: castrador
  • hace 8 años

selecciona 5 adjetivos y realiza oraciones comparativas teniendo en cuenta la regla con la "Y Griega" final y consonante vocal consonante


Respuesta dada por: Macorina
Sunny / Rainy - Today was sunnier / rainier  than yesterday.  
Early -   She arrived earlier than him.        
Happy -  They were happier than us.          
Tasty -   This meal is tastier than yours. 
Dirty -    That room is the dirtiest of all. 
Easy - This exercise is easier than that. 

 **** sustituyen la y por i     (IER)
big -  This bed is bigger than mine. 
fat -   My father is fatter than my mother. 
thin - My mother is thinner than my father. 
sad -  That film was sadder than the other. 
hot -  Chocolate is hotter than coffee. 

**** Duplican la última consonante. 

soycool28: que borraste mi respuesta esa era la repuesta
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