Diálogo de 5 personas en un restaurante en inglés.
R: This restaurant is very glamorous. Have you ever been here before, Louis and Caroline?
L: Yes, it absolutely is! I am very impressed. Unfortunately, I haven’t been here before.
C: I have been here before, guys! My parents used to come when the family had something to celebrate.
L: That sounds great, Caroline. What did you eat the most here?
R: Please, give us an advice to order.
C: Of course, the food I used to order is called “Midnight”. It is delicious!
R: Cool! But what is it?
C: The name doesn’t relate to the plate, actually. It is lasagna with beard and salad. Nothing special at all, but a very good one.
L: I don’t remember the last time I eat that, I think I’m going to order it!
R: I’m thinking in something more American, I know we are in an Italian restaurant, but they have to offer variety of plates.
C: Yes! If I’m not wrong they offer burgers.
L: Nothing more American than a burger, Robin.
R: That’s right, guys! Right now, a burger works perfectly for me.
L: Are you going to order lasagna, Carolina?
C: I don’t know, actually. I can taste another plate.
R: We can ask a waitress what it’s their special plate for the day.
L: Amazing! But hurry up! Or we’re going to be late for the movie tonight.
C: Oh, I just forgot it!
R: Well, let’s do this. Heyy, lady, can you come here, please?
W: Welcome! Do you already want to order?
L: Yes, lady. Can you give me some lasagna please?
R: I want a burger, lady.
W: Excellent, they are good plates. What do you desire, lady?
C: I don’t decide yet. What is the special plate for the day?
W: For tonight, we have Spaghetti with beard. I highly recommend this typical one.
C: It sounds delicious and interesting, please, bring me one!
W: It’s a pleasure. Do you want something to drink?
L: Some beers!
R: Yes, beers!
C: I agre with you, guys!
W: Perfect! I’ll bring your orders sooner.
L: Thanks, Lady!
C: Hey, Susie is coming in to the restaurant; I thought we would meet her in the cinema.
R: Maybe she is hungry as we are.
L: Susie! Sit with us, please.
S: I’ll be a pleasure, guys!
R: Do you like Italian food?
S: Oh, I love it! I’m hungry and I wanted to eat something before the movie, so I came here. It is my favorite restaurant.
L: Great! What are you going to order?
S: Some lasagna, it’s wonderful here.
C: I told you, guys.
R: So let’s order your food and have a perfect night.
All: Yes, let’s go!
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