• Asignatura: Historia
  • Autor: asergioxd
  • hace 7 meses

¿Cómo puede contribuir la creación de historietas en mi aprendizaje?


Respuesta dada por: Oliver322


Seriously, that is a very silly question but I will answer it briefly: Reading and creating comics can be an appropriate way to initiate the child in the world of artistic creation. The study was carried out in four rural communities in the state of Colima, Mexico. A qualitative study was carried out with ethnographic techniques that included: interviews, field observation and analysis of visual documents.


j-hope it will be helpful crown if it is not a bother


Oliver322: what ?
asergioxd: Thanks friend
asergioxd: Thanks for the wallpapers
Oliver322: I do not understand anything of what given even if I write in English
Oliver322: soory bro []
Oliver322: ¿sorry?
Oliver322: jajaj que idio ta
asergioxd: ha cagon tmr gastando mis megas el el traductor
Oliver322: jajajaj sorry bro
Oliver322: yo que culpa
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