• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: andresFelipe82009
  • hace 8 meses

4. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gap and form negative sentences in Past Progressive. (Coloca
los verbos entre paréntesis en el espacio y forma oraciones negativas en pasado progresivo.)
A. She _______________________ a cheeseburger. (Not/ eat)
B. They ________________________ pictures. (Not/ paint)
C. The teacher ______________________ the window. (Not/ open)
D. Johnny________________________ his bike. (Not/to ride)
E. We ____________________________ on the computer. (Not/ work)
F. Doris ___________________________ the news on TV. (Not/ watch)
G. I _____________________________ the trumpet. (Not/ practice)
H. The friends __________________________ songs. (Not/ sing)
I. Steve ______________________________ a cigarette. (Not/ smoke)
J. Sam and Liz ____________________________ at a poster. (Not/ look)


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


A. was not eating

B. Were not painting

C. Was not opening

D. Was not riding

E. are not working

F. Was not watching

G. Was not practicing

H. Were not singing

I. Was not smoking

J. Were not looking


El Pasado Progresivo Negativo. Se construye de la siguiente manera:

Sujeto + was/ were + Not + Verbo con Ing + Complemento.

andresFelipe82009: hola muchas gracias te lo agradesco mucho
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