• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: pahc17
  • hace 8 años

10 ejemplos en imperatives en affirmative and negative PORFA AYUDENME


Respuesta dada por: monteslp
1- Get of the grass.
2- Do your homework.
3- Stay in a line.
4- Complete the form and turn it in.
5- Finish your dinner.
6-Get your shoes on quickly.
7-Return to your seats.
8- Please fasten your seat belts.
9- Remain seated while we arrive to our gate.
10- Eat your vegetables.

1- Don't play with your food.
2- Don't cheat.
3- Don't eat dessert before you eat your dinner.
4- Don't step on the grass.
5- Don't smoke in this building.
6- Don't be late to class.
7- Don't forget your homework.
8- Don't bother your brother.
9- Don't forget your ID.
10- Don't eat sugar. 
Respuesta dada por: cindymarcela01


que bonito que atan personas como ustedes de verdad les agradezco

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