• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: sanchezsharick20
  • hace 1 año

2. Circle the correct option. 1. Mary and Yereimy was reading a book/were reading a book. 2. My teacher was explaining/were explaining the lesson. 3. My uncle was cooking /were cooking dinner. 4. Were you /was you studying last night? 5. You was watching/were watching TV all night. 6. He were fixing/was fixing the car. (ayúdenme es urgente) ​


Respuesta dada por: AlexisBul


  1. were reading
  2. was explaining
  3. was cooking
  4. were you
  5. was fixing


Espero que te sea de ayuda en tu tarea, si así fue te invito a regalarme un gracias y una coronita. Saludos! <3

Alexis Bulsara

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