• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: harina10i
  • hace 1 año

Underline the correct word in each sentence.
1 I love that TV series / series TV called Brothers and Sisters
2 There are too many quiz games/game shows on English TV
3 Do you know what time the news is/are on?
4 I like programmes about history and archaeology, like documentaries / reality shows.
5 I can't stand drama series / current affairs programmes because I'm not interested in politics.
6 My brother is very keen on football. He spends all his Sundays watching films/ sports programmes.​


Respuesta dada por: AlexisBul


  1. TV Series
  2. game shows
  3. are on
  4. documentaries
  5. series
  6. sports


Espero que te sea de ayuda en tu tarea, si así fue te invito a regalarme un gracias y una coronita. Saludos! <3

Alexis Bulsara

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