• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: wildercity12
  • hace 9 años

ayundenme completar con
aim , build , busy , improve ; poverty ; sponsors , stay , vocational, wonderful
Melissa Campos
Long time no see! I was (a)_____________ the whole summer. I worked for A
Roof for my Country (UN techo Para mi Pais) with some other students in Lima.
This is a (b) ______________’ organization that started in Chile in 1997, but is
now active in 19 Latin American countries. Seven guys and | (c) _____________
a house in two days! OK, so it was only a prefabricated house with a zinc roof and
a concrete floor, but still, it was a house!
Then I (d) _______________ I for another week teaching teens computer skills. The money for the materials
came from different (e)____________ .The main (f) ___________ of A Roof for my Country
is to (g)_______________i the quality of life for poor families. They have lots of young people helping to
construct houses, organize health and literacy programs and provide (h) __________ training. You
know I always wanted to fight (i)_____________, and this summer I felt like I finally did something about it.


Respuesta dada por: Isdulipa
a. Busy. b. vocational. c. built. d. Stayed. e. sponsors. f. aim. g. Improve. h. wonderful i. Poverty
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