• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: anieva058
  • hace 1 año


Estructura del presente perfecto en inglés.
Order the sentences:
Ordena las oraciones:
o I
o visited
o have
o week.
o the doctor twice this
• She
• bed.
• has
• not
• made th

• drunk
• ?
• you
• Chilean beer
• Have
• a while.
• in this company for
• has
• worked
• He

• We
• packed
• our suitcases.
• have
• not

o any dance
o Has
o taken
o she
o lessons?


Respuesta dada por: LaCopyMaster
1. I have visited the doctor twice this week.

2. She has not made the bed.

3. Have you drunk Chilean beer?

4. He has worked in this company for a while.

5. We have not packed our suitcases.

6. Has she taken any Dan e lessons?

jeysonparedes36: Lo verdad nose ingles, lo siento por escribir y no saberla :(
calderonsusana733: te comprendo ;(
Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


1. I have visited the doctor twice this week.

2. She has not made the bed.

3. Have you drunk Chilean beer?

4. He has worked in this company for a while.

5. We have not packed our suitcases.

6. Has she taken any dance lessons?


Presente Perfecto Afirmativo. Se construye de la siguiente manera:

Sujeto + Have / Has + Verbo en Participio Pasado + Complemento.

Presente Perfecto Negativo. Se construye de la siguiente manera:

Sujeto + Have / Has + Not + Verbo en Participio Pasado + Complemento.

Presente Perfecto Interrogativo. Se construye de la siguiente manera:

Have / Has + Sujeto + Verbo en Participio Pasado + Complemento?

barrazaluis656: ♥️♥️
barrazaluis656: okis CIELO VEYO
karinaestefaniaguara: Eso utilizan los amigos :>
karinaestefaniaguara: TT
barrazaluis656: aaaa ya mi vida okid chao
barrazaluis656: ♥️♥️
karinaestefaniaguara: "VEYO" SE ESCRIBE "BELLO" ALV
karinaestefaniaguara: Y sólo soy tu amiga TT
barrazaluis656: me equivoqué mi corazón Bello
barrazaluis656: ok solo eres mi amiga bueno chao amiga cuídate
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