• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: vward1k
  • hace 8 años

Choose the sentence that contains an error in verb usage.
A) Most watercolorists begin with a blank canvas.
B) Then they will sketch their design using a pencil.
C) To fly like a bird has long been a dream of humanity.
D) The original pencil lines will be disappeared under all those layers.

Was that shirt __________ when you bought it?
Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
A) tear
B) teared
C) tore
D) torn
In which sentence is the italicized word used correctly?
A) The principle welcomed the students back from vacation.
B) We visited the Capitol building during our visit to Washington.
C) The students were instructed to use capitol letters on the form.
D) My friend said that we should not participate, as it is a matter of principal.
Which sentence is written in the active voice?
A) My new car was washed by Sam.
B) The sweet apple pie was prepared by the chef.
C) My grandmother makes the best fried pies in the state.
D) The jelly and preserves were made by my Aunt Betty for my birthday.
In which choice is the ellipses used correctly to revise the following sentence:

I cannot help it; reason has nothing to do with it; I love her against reason.
A) Reason...has nothing to do with it.
B) Reason...I love her against reason.
C) I cannot help it...I love her against reason.
D) I cannot help it...reason has nothing to do with it.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but you must choose your breakfast wisely. Breakfast is the most important meal because it fuels you for the first half of your day. If you choose the correct breakfast foods, it will energize you and keep you full until your next meal. Examples of healthy breakfast foods include bananas, whole grain cereal, oatmeal or hard‐boiled eggs. Try to stay away from sugary cereal or greasy eggs and potatoes.
Which sentence should be used to end the paragraph?
A) Eating cereal for breakfast is ok.
B) Eating a healthy breakfast is important.
C) Bacon and eggs are my favorite.
D) You should never skip lunch.
Which BEST identifies and explains the function of the word gardening as it is used in this sentence?

Gardening is a pleasant and productive pastime for people of all ages.
A) In the selected sentence, the word gardening is a gerund, and the gerund phrase functions as the subject.
B) In the selected sentence, the word gardening is a gerund, and the gerund phrase functions as a direct object.
C) In the selected sentence, the word gardening is a gerund, and the gerund phrase functions as a subject complement.
D) In the selected sentence, the word gardening is a gerund, and the gerund phrase functions as the object of the preposition.
Which of these choices best displays an example of paraphrasing?
A) In Act 3, Hamlet poses the famous question: "To be or not to be."
B) "To be, or not to be, that is the question."
C) Hamlet asks whether or not life is worth living.
D) What does Hamlet mean when he asks this question?

1. Turns out that slimy mess was a dead jellyfish.

2. While walking along the beach, Sally's foot became tangled in slime and tentacles.

3. After applying a cold compress and ointment to her foot, Sally felt like taking another stroll along the shore.

4. In July, my friend Sally had an unfortunate encounter while on a trip to the beach with her family.

5. Even though it was dead, the tentacles still contained enough poison to sting Sally's foot.
Read the sentences and determine the MOST logical order for the numbered sentences.
A) 3,1,2,4,5
B) 4,2,1,5,3
C) 4,3,2,1,5
D) 5,3,2,4,1


Respuesta dada por: MissZelda
1) Choose the sentence that contains an error in verb usage.
Opción D: "
will be disappeared"
The original pencil lines will disappear under all those layers

2) Was that shirt __________ when you bought it?
Opción correcta D: 

In which sentence is the italicized word used correctly?
Opción correcta D: My friend said that we should not participate, as it is a matter of principal. 

Which sentence is written in the active voice?:
Opción correcta C: My grandmother makes the best fried pies in the state.

In which choice is the ellipses used correctly to revise the following sentence:
Opción correcta C: I cannot help it...I love her against reason. 

Which sentence should be used to end the paragraph?:
Opción correcta B: 
Eating a healthy breakfast is important

7) Which BEST identifies and explains the function of the word gardening as it is used in this sentence?
Opción correcta A: 
In the selected sentence, the word gardening is a gerund, and the gerund phrase functions as the subject. 

Which of these choices best displays an example of paraphrasing?
Opción correcta C: 
Hamlet asks whether or not life is worth living.

Read the sentences and determine the MOST logical order for the numbered sentences.
Opción correcta 
B: 4,2,1,5,3 
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