• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Daffne7
  • hace 2 años

Voy a reportar respuestas sin sentido :)
me podrian ayudar con esto, le dare corona a la mejor respuesta y ofrezco 30 puntos (Solo personas que de verdad sepan ingles)
1. Each team ______ have five pleyers. If not, they can't participate
a) must
b) cant

2. In tennis players _____ use video replay technology to find out where the ball landed
a) can
b) don´t have to

3. Olympic____ are celebrated once every four years
a) games
b) plays

4. Soccer players ______follow the rules, or the referee will send them off the field.
a) must
b) don't have to

5. ________ is also part of learning to become a better athlete
a) Lose
b) Losing

6. Runners________ run on the same roads.
a) don't have to
b) can't

7. ________ children the value of teamwork is essential
a) Teaching
b) To teach

8. Basketball players __________ hit other players.
a) Can't
b) Have to

9. We __________ wear a helmet when you play ice hockey
a) Have to
b) Can't

10. She is such a ___________ person she doesn't like to lose
a) Competitor
b) Competitive


Respuesta dada por: whoneymcll


1. Must

2. Can

3. Games

4. Must

5. Losing

6. Don't have to

7. Teaching

8. Can't

9. Have to

10. Competitive

Espero haberte ayudado :)

Daffne7: Muchisimas gracias, En cuanto me aparezca la opción te voy a dar corona
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