• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: monsalveleidy322
  • hace 1 año

Write these sentences putting the adverb of frequency in the correct position.

1. He drinks coffee for breakfast (always)
2. My sister eats meat for lunch ( never)
3. The students are happy on weekends (always)
4. The baby wakes up at 5:30 in the morning (seldom)
5. I am late for my class (almost always)
6. Pablo is on time for his Spanish classes (almost never)
7. Your brothers practice sports on Sundays (usually)
8. I prepare my breakfast on Sundays (sometimes).
9. Camila gets up at 4:30 in the morning every day (often)
10. The players are thirsty after the game (always) 11. the students corred the mistakes (often) 12. samuel has a bath (never) 13. Robert is happy (atways) 14. kate does karate and judo (some times) 15, freddy plays basketball at school (usually)


Respuesta dada por: brisaanicolee


hola! no voy a copiar todas las oraciones, pero el adverbio de frecuencia SIEMPRE va después del sujeto.

por ejemplo la 1 sería HE ALWAYS DRINKS COFFEE...

Respuesta dada por: villajuancamila


  1. He ALWAYS drinks....
  2. my sister NEVER eats...
  3. the students ALWAYS are...
  4. the baby SELDOM wakes up...
  5. i ALMOST ALWAYS am late...
  6. pablo is on time fro his spanish classes ALMOST NEVER.
  7. your brother USUALLY practice...
  8. i SOMETIMES prepare my...
  9. camila OFTEN gets up...
  10. the player ALWAYS are...
  11. te students OFTEN corred...
  12. samuel NEVER has a bath
  13. roberth ALWAYS is happy
  14. kate SOME TIMES does....
  15. freddy USUALLY PLAYS...


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