• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: complikada
  • hace 9 años

5 oraciones con with can por favor


Respuesta dada por: divine123
I have worked for my uncle. ...She has finished her homework. ...I have to go, we have talked for more than two hours. ...We have visited them once a week for the last year. ... ...I

complikada: no entiendo
divine123: cuando termine los puntos suspensivos espienza otra oracion
complikada: si pero utilizando el with can
complikada: no veo q lo a utilizado
divine123: want to go with you
they went with their grand mother
i love him with all my heart <3
i'll be with you
i´m in love with you
i go out with all my friends every weekend
i´m gonna get merried with an argentine guy
she wants to eat potatoes with meat
i went to the party with my boyfriend
you´re in class with them
divine123: estas te sirven???
divine123: ya te doy la solucion
divine123: want to go with you
they went with their grand mother
i love him with all my heart <3
i'll be with you
i´m in love with you
i go out with all my friends every weekend
i´m gonna get merried with an argentine guy
she wants to eat potatoes with meat
i went to the party with my boyfriend
you´re in class with them
divine123: esto si te sirve
Respuesta dada por: daniela1416

She can take the children with her to Houston. (Ella puede llevar a los niños con ella a Houston)
He can lend us the money which we need. (Él puede prestarnos el dinero que necesitamos)
She can be back by noon. (Ella puede regresar para mediodía)
She can return later. (Ella puede regresar más tarde)
You can learn at least five new words every day. (Tú puedes aprender al menos cinco palabras cada día)
You can call her tomorrow. (Tú la puedes llamar mañana)
You can see her tomorrow. (Tú puedes verla mañana)
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