• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: melodycueva
  • hace 9 años

10 oraciones en ingles con play walk watch run sleep read
clean go listen live eat study travel go drink en afirmativas porfa 10 oraciones v

antorios: 10 por cada verbo??
melodycueva: no


Respuesta dada por: antorios
she is sleeping on the bed
she is runing on the park
she is playing volleyball on the beach
i am listening music
they are eating burgers on the mc. donal´s
drink your soda
You travelled to New York last summer
They used to go to the park
He walked for two hours 
She travels around the world. 

melodycueva: eso es es afirmativo
Respuesta dada por: Anónimo
I play basketball 
John walks to his office
I watched TV all afternoon 
He runs to prepare your body and thus gain a competitive
I sleep for 10 hours in the morning
I read a poem to the class
I clean my room in an hour
I go abroad on this vacation
I live my life as I please
I eat what my mom cooks
I study with great care
I travel anywhere in the world
I drink cold lemonade
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