• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jinxgomez2
  • hace 2 años

Write 10 sentences using future tense for predictions: will – will not (won’t) : How will future be in 10 years?  Your life: studies, home, job  Technology  Transportation ​


Respuesta dada por: Kyouko14


In the next 10 years...

1. I will have finished school.

2. I will have my own job.

3. I will visit (un país o ciudad)

4. I will know how to cook.

5. There will be flying cars,

6. There won't be teachers anymore, they will all be replace by robots.

7. There will be houses in space.

8. There won't be schools, classes will be taught online.

9. Military service will be mandatory for everyone.

10. Crimes will dissapear.

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