• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: 0100000
  • hace 2 años

E) Turn the sentences into question. 1)
The thieves are running away. ---------------------------------?
2) The policemen are chasing the thieves. ---------------------------------?
3) They are building a new bridge. ---------------------------------?
4) My sister is decorating the cake. -------------------------------.
5) The people are laughing. -----------------------
6) She is planting a tree. --------------------------------.


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


1. Are the thieves running away?

2. Are the policemen chasing the thieves?

3. Are they building a new bridge?

4. Is your sister decorating the cake?

5. Are the people laughing?

6. Is she planting a tree?


La estructura Interrogativa del Presente Continuo Se construye de la siguiente manera:

Verbo to Be + Sujeto + Verbo con Ing + Complemento?

XDanny08: hola estrelladelfuturo
XDanny08: Gracias muchísimas
XDanny08: gracias
XDanny08: me ayudastes en mi examen
XDanny08: Gracias
XDanny08: ❤️
XDanny08: ✌️
biancaX7: estrellasdelfuturo79 me ayudas en mi última pregunta x favor.
0100000: gracias
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