• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: hola159874
  • hace 2 años

Look at the list of verbs and make sentences.
1. (vivir) Live (I – You – We – They) / Lives (He – She – It)  I live in Vitarte / He lives in Vitarte
2. (enseñar) Teach / Teaches  You teach English -- Peter teaches English.
3. (ayudar) Help / Helps  you help my mother – she helps my brother
4. (usar) Use / Uses  We use mask - My mother uses mask.
5. (mantener) Keep / Keeps 
6. (necesitar) Need / Needs 
7. (comprar) Buy / Buys 
ayuda pex :b


Respuesta dada por: bettyaraujoq


que es eso no entiendo


no parese una tarea

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