"The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is the story of a man who is hopelessly lost at sea but miraculously survives for ten days without food or water and survives the rough waters of the Caribbean and the persistent heat of the sun.
Put the verb in the correct tense. S.P. SIMPLE PAST – P.C. PAST CONTINUOUS – P.P. PAST PERFECT
In 1955, Luis Alejandro Velasco 1)____________ (be –S.P.) just twenty years old when he 2)___________ (be –S.P.) a sailor with the Colombian Navy and 3) ____________(assign –S.P.) in the port of Mobile, Alabama, where he and his crew 4) _____________________(refurbish- P.C.) the Colombian destroyer, the Caldas. Luis and the others 5) ________________(be –P.P.) there for eight months and 6) ____________ (make – P.P.) local friends and 7) ____________(share – S.P.) many nights of drinking and partying together. Luis 8) _______________(have – S.P.) great memories of those times.
Near the end of their tour of duty in Mobile, the men 9) _____________ (watch- S.P.) the movie, "The Caine Mutiny." Luis was struck and with the horrific storm that the USS Caine 10) _______________(encounter – S.P.) Although Luis 11) _______ never ______ (be – P.P.) been fearful of venturing out into the ocean, the images from the movie 12) _____________ (stay – S.P.) with him and he 13) ___________ (feel – S.P.) a bit nervous about embarking on the trip home to their home base in Cartagena, Colombia.
The ship was caught in a storm. Eight men were flung off the ship, going overboard into the Caribbean Sea. Just one - Luis Alejandro Velasco – (survive –S.P.). For ten days, he __cling – S.P.) to a life raft. Tortured by hunger and a lack of water, he 14) ______ completely ________(give – P.P.) up hope when he was washed ashore in Colombia.
Velasco 15) ________________ (cannot believe –S.P.) he was alive!
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