• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Anónimo
  • hace 9 años

aser oraciones con
. turn on / off
. plug in /unplug
. put on
. hook up
. turn up / down
. stay up
. take off
. sign in / out


Respuesta dada por: alejandradimas8
Could you please turn on the light?
Could you please turn of the computer?
Plug in the phone charger please.
Could you please unplug the cable?
Put on the table please.
Could you hook up the blouse in the coat rack?
Turn up the music, please!
Turn down the tv please.
I stay up at 10:00pm.
I take off my hat.
Sign in to  Facebook.
I have sign off the sheet.
Espero te sirvac:

Anónimo: muhca sgracias me sirvio d emucho ejej
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