• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: poonamgaurav303
  • hace 2 años

Exercise 4 Rewrite these sentences by using an Adverb from following list instead of 5 The Italicized phrase. sometimes WW everywhere easily NOOD ever 1. Have you at any time been up in a balloon? n Adjective is a 2. He could do this work without any difficulty. 3. I've looked in every place for your glasses, 4. Now and again she works quite hard. ook at the pic The fat ma 5. In a short time she will finish her breakfast, He is pool he words i djectives. ​


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Adverbs of frequency go before the main verb but after verb “to be” (se colocan antes del verbo principal pero después del verbo «to be»).

They don´ t usually watch TV.

She never eats sweets.

They are usually in bed by 11:30

She´s never eaten Chinese food.

Have you ever had a really serious illness? (= ever = alguna vez)


Sometimes, usually, normally, frequently, often and occasionally can also go at the beginning or end of a sentence (en ocasiones, los adverbios indicados, pueden ir al principio o al final de la oración).

Sometimes I walk to work.

Do you see your parentes often?


Frequency expressions or adverbs phrases of frequency (every evening, once a week, twice a week…) normally go at the end a clause (las «expresiones de frecuencia» se colocan al final de la oración).

I watch TV every evening.

I go to the cinema twice a week.


We use “How often…?” to ask (utilizamos la fórmula «How often…» para preguntar por la frecuencia con la que alguien hace algo).

How often do they watch TV? They watch TV every evening.

How often do you go swimming? I go swimming once a week.

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