• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: audris0007
  • hace 2 años

A: Answer to the following questions:
1. What's his name?
2. How old is he?
3. Does he live near school?
4. How many good friends has he got?
5. Does he like doing sport?
6. How often does he have karate classes?



Respuesta dada por: alexandercercado30



His name is......... su nombre

He is........ edad te tenga

Yes he does/No he doesn't

He has got....numero de mejores amigos

Yes, he does/No he doesn't

He have kate clases three times a week

Respuesta dada por: valenpas22

Emm, sincera  mente no se de que chico oh chica habla si me guiaras un poco de como es la historia .__.

Respondo igual :v

A: Please answer the following questions:

1. What is your name?

I dont know

2. How old are you?

I have no idea

3. Do you live near the school?

Yes I believe

4. How many good friends do you have?


5. Do you like to play sports?

I think so

6. How often do you have karate classes?

Friday and Wednesday ??

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