• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: santiagointegradoame
  • hace 2 años

Choose the correct answer:
1. The children ________________ [played/were playing] outside when their mother called them.

2. The actress was performing the film when the director ___________ [was shouting/shouted/]
at her.

3. Alice met her friends while she ________________ [was shopping/shopped] .

4. They were sleeping when the plane __________ [was landing/landed] .

5. We left the room while she _______________ [talked/was talking] .

6. As George _________________ [was listening/listened/] to music, his mp3 player ___________
[was stopping/stopped] working.

7. When Mary ___________ [was arriving/arrived/] her brother ________________ [was
sleeping/slept] .

8. Steve and Andrew ________________ [talked/were talking] while Sarah ________________
[watched/was watching] TV.

9. Alice _______________ [was walking/walked] down the street when a woman ________
[stole/was stealing] her money.

10. The teacher _________________ [was explaning/explained/] the homework when the bell
________ [rang/was ringing] .


Respuesta dada por: rominaberenice
1.- were playing
2.- shouted
3.- was shopping
4.- landed
5.- was talking
6.- was listening / stopped
7.- arrived / was sleeping
8.- talked / was watching
9.- was walking / stole
10.- was explaining / rang
Respuesta dada por: minellysc352




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