• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: bubblecherry38
  • hace 2 años


Dear Diary
Ugh! Today was not a good day.
My friend Paulina always bothers me because she wants
me to go out with her brother. But I don't like him! He is
super mean, and he is not very intelligent. I always tell her
that I don't want to go out with him, but she insists every
day. I hope that she stops insisting soon.
The math test is only two days away so I am a bit anxious
now. I study every day after school, but I am very tired
today so I don't think I can study. I blame Paulina, she
insists so much that when I get home I don't want to
do anything! I want her to stop talking to me about her

ayiuda plis​

cande7b: q no le cae bien el hermano de su amiga, o algo asi entendi
cande7b: y tmb q esta ansiosa x el examen de matematica, same katie


Respuesta dada por: lauragallegos2010


Katie is annoyed that her best friend Paulina forces her to go out with her brother


no se si aiyude

lauragallegos2010: ojala ayude :)
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